Your Energy Efficiency Solutions Provider

Steam Management, Inc. (SMI) is a premier energy conservation contractor, providing custom design/build solutions. Our solutions meet at the nexus of energy and water conservation, Partnering with ESCOs and large C&I customers across the nation making it easy to achieve energy savings and facility improvements.

Our Complete Steam System Efficiency Solutions

Our solutions optimize your entire steam system with sustainable efficiencies, ensuring all components work together effectively. We focus on steam system efficiency to improve cost savings, energy efficiency, safety, operation, reliability, and environmental sustainability. Learn more about our services at each point of the steam cycle:

national grid customers can take advantage of our zero-cost steam trap repair program

We make it easy for you to achieve energy savings and facility improvements.

We invest in our partnership right from the start with bid-ready designs, and ensure your project’s success by providing fast return on your investment.

Safety First.

With risk always a factor both on the site and on the books, we take safety seriously and implement preventative measures, lifting the worry off your hands.

Safety is the first and most important of our guiding principles that we use as a framework for project success. Learn more about our safety approach.


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