Steam Management Deploying 158 Ultrasonic Monitors and Four Gateways for One of Boston’s Landmark Healthcare Institutions

Boston, MA, April 6, 2020 – Steam Management is pleased to announce its latest steam trap monitoring project, in association with SteamIQ, is to be deployed at one of Boston’s landmark healthcare institutions. 

The state-of-the-art steam trap monitoring and analytics platform comes after a successful risk-free 30-day trial installation and will be installed as soon as the current pandemic subsides. 

The installation will include 158 ultrasonic clamp-on monitors with four gateways covering 200,000 square feet of building space in the 14-floor tower. The gateways provide a cellular LoRaWan network that enables the data to be stored on MS Azure cloud storage without the need to penetrate the existing IT firewalls, eliminating data security concerns. An annual subscription fee provides the building owner with monthly full dashboard analytic privileges, SMI supported monthly data analytic reviews, annual system checkup, and future data integration capacity. 

There is an enormous energy savings impact, estimated from repair of failed and leaking steam traps of $71,000 annually. These savings are based on the current steam cost per Mlb and steam trap testing data performed for the proposal. The project will be cash positive in 14 months and provides a basis for annual steam trap maintenance and management. 

Learn more about the benefits of Steam Trap Monitoring below.

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